Нет существа более одинокого и удивлённого, чем вернувшаяся из роддома новоиспечённая мать. Если до этого вы в какой-то степени (зависит от того, насколько удачно вы вышли замуж и в каком государстве вам посчастливилось жить) ощущали внимание и заботу, то теперь всё, хоть и ожидаемо, но всё же неприятно меняется. Почему-то вдруг вам должно стать неважно, что на вас надето, что вы ели, сколько спали (ели и спали ли вообще?), больно ли вам и что вы чувствуете по поводу случившегося, происходящего и того, что вам ещё предстоит.
There is no the most lonely and dazed creature but a new-made (newly-crowned) mother that has just returned from the maternity house. If you used to feel (it depends on how successfully you got married and which country you are fortunate to live in) care and attention before, everything is changing since that very moment, though it is obvious unfavorable. You don’t have to worry since this moment which cloth you have had on, what you have eaten, how long have you slept (did you happen to eat and sleep at all?), do you feel pain and how do you feel about things happened and upcoming.
There is no the most lonely and dazed creature but a new-made (newly-crowned) mother that has just returned from the maternity house. If you used to feel (it depends on how successfully you got married and which country you are fortunate to live in) care and attention before, everything is changing since that very moment, though it is obvious unfavorable. You don’t have to worry since this moment which cloth you have had on, what you have eaten, how long have you slept (did you happen to eat and sleep at all?), do you feel pain and how do you feel about things happened and upcoming.